Join our wacky Looney Toon character Daffy Duck as he embarks on a magical journey. Help him inside his own dream and rescue Celestia here at Looney Tunes Games: Behold the Wizard. Control Daffy Duck and make sure he reaches the other end. The platforms randomly appear and disappears so be careful not to fall. Be aware that your health will slowly drain until you finish the level. Grab assorted food to keep your health full. Collect magic orbs as well for your spells. Monsters will stop you too so grab those crystals to defeat them. If there magical walls, you can deactivate them by collecting the runes. Looney Tunes: Behold the Wizard is one of our many Arcade Games that we publish on This game is also tagged as a Looney Tunes game. Click the play button to start having fun. To play even more free games, view our popular and new games page. If you want to play more games like this, then you can simply check out the games inside the game tags that are the most relevant to your interests or the Arcade Games category or the games like this game page at the end of the game tags.