Babycal Throw Game

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Hitting people with things on the head is not fun in real life so we never really get a chance to experience the pleasure one will receive when doing so. But, here is your chance to launch several cans in to the air and have them nail someone else in the head. Go ahead and laugh your way to the end of the round with this silly game. There are a bunch of Babycals running around and they move at different speeds. Click on one and it will launch a can up in to the air. If you time it just right, that can will clunk on top of someone else's head and you will be awarded points. Babycal Throw is one of our many Arcade Games that we publish on This game is also tagged as a Highscore game. Click the play button to start having fun. To play even more free games, view our popular and new games page. If you want to play more games like this, then you can simply check out the games inside the game tags that are the most relevant to your interests or the Arcade Games category or the games like this game page at the end of the game tags.

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